Thursday, June 28, 2012

Week Four

To be Completed by July 8th

In the article "White Women's Work"

a) The author notes that many White female teachers head into inner city schools with a savior or missionary mentality. Why is this a barrier for these teachers?

b) According to this chapter, why should teachers not pass judgment on a student's culture?

c) As a teacher articulate the power you have in shaping the future of a student. Articulate how what you engage in instructionally and how you treat your students have a direct correlation to what they become in life?

In the article "I don't understand why my African American Students are not Achieving"

a) Do you believe you have what it takes to be a good and effective teacher of students who look like you or come from a similar economic background regardless of race? Explain

b) Do you believe you have it takes to be a good teacher of urban students who come from urban communities who may be economically challenged? Explain


a) How was your mentoring this week? What things did your mentor teacher help you with and did it assist you in any way? Please explain

Week Three

To be completed by July 1st

In the article "But Good intentions are not enough"

a) Why aren't good intentions enough for meeting the needs of your students, particularly your students of color or students who come from economically challenged situations regardless of color?

b) Why are the three "assertions" presented in this chapter a barrier for White teachers (or Black Teachers who come from different backgrounds) in reaching their students of color?


In the article "Low Expectations are the Worst form of Racism"

a) In this chapter, Holbrook is talking about assumptions made about African Americans based on their race. What are some of these assumptions you found yourself admitting to in the privacy of your own thoughts? Have you spoken up when those around you, in the teachers' lounges, at meetings, at the lunch or dinner table, or even when just conversing with your own family make negative assumptions about students based on their skin color? How can we begin to change the very way we are brought up to think, react, and assume?


b) Why are low expectation for African Americans students or for any student such a dangerous thing?


c) If a standard is set is it our job to just get the student to the standard? Should we lower the standard? Have you ever heard the teachers or anyone say: "Well thats good for Damon. He did well just learning to add so we are not going to worry about teaching him to multiply and divide because that is too hard and he can not handle it anyway?" What are your thoughts about this type of thinking?


d) Can not being prepared for your students be an indication that you have low expectations for them or that you do not value their education? Please explain?



a) How was your mentoring this week? What things did your mentor teacher help you with and did it assist you in any way? Please explain

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week Two

Questions to be completed by Sunday June 24th. Please number your responses.

1) Describe your best success story with a student to this point in the program.

2) All teachers have that student or group of students that absolutely drives them crazy at times. Describe that student or group of students and the actions that are getting under your skin.  Next please describe what you are doing to better the situation? Have you receive any advice or guidance from your mentor teacher?(assuming you asked) if so then what was it and did it work?

3) In the reading titled: "yes, But how do we do it?"  Please discuss the following:

a) Based on your reading of this chapter, how would you define Culturally Relevant Pedagogy?

b) Culturally Relevant pedagogy is a state of "being" and the focus should be less on "doing." What does this mean for teachers who work with students of color?

c) Was this article helpful or interesting to you?

4) The Empty Desk in the Third Row

a)   What thoughts went through your head as you read the chapter?

b) What were your take aways from this chapter?

First Full Week

To be completed by Sunday June 17th. Please number your responses.
 1) How was your first full week with the kids? Discuss successes and challenges?
 2) What did you learn about yourself that you did not know before?
 3) Were you supported by the mentor teachers and if so was the mentoring helpful to you? In what ways?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Your First Day

1. How was the first day? 2. What went well? 3. What were the challenges? 4. What adjustments will you make for next week? Please answer each question seperately. Thank you.